After more than 10 years of successive development, CDendro & CooRecorder have matured to be very competent programs used for e.g. dendrochronology, climate and forestry research all over the world. The package is also used at university courses for teaching dendrochronological methods. The CDendro & CooRecorder program package is affordable - it does not cost more than two books!
CDendro is intended to help you crossdate wood samples towards each other! I.e. to make you know when a couple of trunks were cut in the forest. CooRecorder is intended to help you measure ring widths with your standard office scanner. If you are interested in local history and want to find out when your old house was built or want to map out when various houses and other timber constructions in your neighbourhood were built - then CDendro with CooRecorder is for you!
On this site you will find adequate information to start dating wood! In the tutorial section (see link below) a good starting point is the section titled "Where to start reading about the programs?"
Cybis CDendro & CooRecorder Purchase and Tutorial
(opens in a new window)