User:Taxelson/Provenience analysis

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Examples of samples giving a misleading pattern of correlations



Lule01 1669-1822, a single log from a coast near site far north, gives a rather confusing pattern:

SE002      0.48   5.38    99 -177  +177   Långrumpskogen, Nordmaling                              PISY
JAEMTUA_   0.44   5.94   153   -5 +-568   JAEMTUA1 Jämtland, historisch;                          PISY
SE001      0.38   4.36   115 -176  +176   Sandö, Luleå                                            PISY
Grangard   0.35   4.64   153 -182 +-454   Grangärde, Dalarna                                      PISY
FlodaSn0   0.35   4.55   153 -183 +-448   Floda sn, Dalarna (mainly Björbo) (ej swed305)          PISY
Muddus-s   0.34   4.43   153 -150 +-288   MUDDAS NATIONAL PARK swed002-004-006                    PISY
SödraDal   0.33   4.30   153 -183 +-491   Södra Dalarna                                           PISY
