How to make a contribution with an image on this forum

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How to make a contribution with an image on this forum

Post by Lars-Ake »

Subject: How to make a posting - how to insert an image?

Here are some tips if you are new to this type of phpBB based forum and want to make a posting:

Images have to be stored on a server on the internet. Either you can have that image stored somewhere on your "homepage server" - or better ask me to upload it on the server. (Having images stored on the server means having things kept together - I think that is best.)

In the latter case, email me those images as attachments to an email, and I will upload them and then send back to you the addresses for you to use when you write your posting.

Say, that you have emailed me an image named "wood.jpg" (you may also send me .gif-files which are better than .jpg for screen dumps)
I will then upload that image on the server and send back e.g. the directory name where the files are stored, like

If you then open that link with your browser you will see a list with your files including the wood.jpg file.

To be able to write on the forum you have to register!

When you press the button to post a reply, you will have a textbox (a rectangle) to write or paste your text into.

When you think: Now I want to insert an image here, you click on the small Img square above your textbox. (Hold the cursor above that square to see a small specification on how the coding will be done.)

After you click the Img squre the program will insert [Img][/Img] into your text and you can insert the full filename with path in between.
I.e. it should look like [Img][/Img]

There are also other codes like bold to make text bolded: [b]this will be bolded[/b]

To check how it looks, you can press the Preview button a bit below your textbox!!!!

So actually you can paste the text from a text editor just as normal and then insert the images like described above.
Or even have the coding [Img][/Img] already inserted when originally creating the text in your text editor.

When you finally have submitted your posting, you will certainly (like me) find one or two errors... :-)
No problem! You can Edit that posting as you like!

Notice, there is a Save button to save a half-written posting (only the text) so you can go and have dinner... :-)
You can later retrieve such a saved text with the Load button.

It is no waste of time to learn how to use this forum, as phpBB is a commonly used forum on the internet!


Normally codes like [b][/b] or [img][/img] should not be visible in a text like the one you are looking at now.
By checking the checkbox Disable BBCode below the textbox, I made the forum program understand that I
actually wanted these codings visible and not interpreted as formating commands.
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