How to select ALL samples with overlap >50 towards reference

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How to select ALL samples with overlap >50 towards reference

Post by taxelson »

I would like to know the correlation values for ALL samples in a collection where the overlap is at least 50 years, not only those with corr>0. How to do? (I need it to show how very bad a particular dating proposal really is!)

The "Select best matching members"- function (a button available in the collection window), is normally the easiest way to select the samples with a particular minimum overlap, but yes, it leaves only members with correlation >0 checked also if both "Minimum correlation value" and "Minimum T-Test value" are blanked (negative values are not allowed). So in order to keep also those with negative correlation you have to use the function "Uncheck on too low overlap" found under menu: "Collections": "Uncheck handling...". There you can set the number to in this case 50 years.

Be also aware of that the extra "Condensed report"-facility does not list samples with correlation values below zero. They are only found in the first set of columns in the "ordinary report".
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