CNRS Database
Posted: 03 Apr 2009, 19:24
In a CNRS-dependent site there is a interesting database of French chronologies: ... Tmp/DData/
I hope this is not a redundant information. I have not spent much time on it but from a first look I think all data are stored in three relevant files, .txt format. Hopefully they can be read somehow. They seem to be a list of a sort of decadal format chronologies, but some detail escapes to my interpretation (authors say that it’s a format “convenient” to CNRS researchers). Zero rings are probably indicated by commas, and raw ring values have decimal separator points. I made just one attempt to import one chronology-table to .fh format (by using Cdendro facility) but I had no success.
File ... CE-Nat.txt (second file in the list): Oak chronologies from 449 BC to 193 AD, ring width values. Maybe someone of you interested in early oak chronologies (although from a bit distant places) could appreciate it. Source: “laboratoire de Chrono-Ecologie de Besançon”. Data are part of a thesis by a researcher named S. Durost, which covers from 546 BC to 193 AD (so not all data are included in the online file).
File ... CE-AjC.txt (first file in the list): same chronologies, but values corrected by a method (unknown to me) described in Lambert G., Durost S., Cuaz J. 2005 (see extended quote in the same file)
File ... 6-EBes.txt (third document in the list) stores chronologies from the end of early middle age (I see one starting from IX century) to contemporary times (ring width values?), but I cannot find out the species (various?). Source: several French laboratories.
Others three documents contain information about laboratories that collected data, environmental/context information and other information stuff.
The database was made public by Vincent Bernard, Virginie Chevrier, Claire Doucerain, Olivier Girardclos, Frédéric Guibal, Georges Lambert, Catherine Lavier, Christine Locatelli, Christophe Perrault, Patricia Perrier.
I’m not particularly interested by now for looking at those data, but just for curiosity, if someone of you can “translate” them, or correct my overview, or has already worked with them, please let it know. They seems to be a precious resource.
In a CNRS-dependent site there is a interesting database of French chronologies: ... Tmp/DData/
I hope this is not a redundant information. I have not spent much time on it but from a first look I think all data are stored in three relevant files, .txt format. Hopefully they can be read somehow. They seem to be a list of a sort of decadal format chronologies, but some detail escapes to my interpretation (authors say that it’s a format “convenient” to CNRS researchers). Zero rings are probably indicated by commas, and raw ring values have decimal separator points. I made just one attempt to import one chronology-table to .fh format (by using Cdendro facility) but I had no success.
File ... CE-Nat.txt (second file in the list): Oak chronologies from 449 BC to 193 AD, ring width values. Maybe someone of you interested in early oak chronologies (although from a bit distant places) could appreciate it. Source: “laboratoire de Chrono-Ecologie de Besançon”. Data are part of a thesis by a researcher named S. Durost, which covers from 546 BC to 193 AD (so not all data are included in the online file).
File ... CE-AjC.txt (first file in the list): same chronologies, but values corrected by a method (unknown to me) described in Lambert G., Durost S., Cuaz J. 2005 (see extended quote in the same file)
File ... 6-EBes.txt (third document in the list) stores chronologies from the end of early middle age (I see one starting from IX century) to contemporary times (ring width values?), but I cannot find out the species (various?). Source: several French laboratories.
Others three documents contain information about laboratories that collected data, environmental/context information and other information stuff.
The database was made public by Vincent Bernard, Virginie Chevrier, Claire Doucerain, Olivier Girardclos, Frédéric Guibal, Georges Lambert, Catherine Lavier, Christine Locatelli, Christophe Perrault, Patricia Perrier.
I’m not particularly interested by now for looking at those data, but just for curiosity, if someone of you can “translate” them, or correct my overview, or has already worked with them, please let it know. They seems to be a precious resource.