Taking care of .pos-files from CooRecorder

Last update: Febr 15 2021.

Before groupwise adding undated .pos-files to a collection, consider which EndYear these samples will be given!

(Groupwise adding of .pos-files is done with the command Collections/Add to this collection/...)

We have five .pos-files numbered 1-5 where number 3 and 5 are undated, the others are dated to 1995 (1) and 2020 (2 and 4). For this demonstration we have named the undated .pos-files X3_UNDAT and X5_UNDAT, the others just X1, X2 and X4. When we add these files to an empty undated new collection using Collections/Add to this collection/...) we get this result:

The dated .pos-file X1 and the undated .pos-files X3_UNDAT and X5_UNDAT are all given the same EndYear 1995! Without having this _UNDAT naming convention we cannot see which of the files were dated and which were not. How come? What can we do about it?

Problem: If you use Collections/Add to this collection/... to add a group of dated and undated .pos-files to any collection, CDendro will use the first EndYear found (from an already dated .pos-file or from the collection itself and give it to all your undated members so you then do not know which member was already dated or which was not.

A really simple remedy: See that all .pos-files which cannot be dated are anyhow given the date e.g. "2500" in CooRecorder before being saved!

Another remedy: When you have used CooRecorder to create a group containing several dated and undated .pos-files which you want to add to a collection then always use a new (empty) target collection which you date to e.g. 2500 before you make the addition. After addition using Collections/Add to this collection/... your undated .pos-files will pop up at 2500 while your dated .pos-files keep their dated EndYear from CooRecorder.

You can use that collection as your target collection for more undated samples as long as that undated "2500-member" is still in place with its EndYear higher than any other dated member.

This also means: Never use Collections/Add to this collection/... to add undated .pos files to a collection containing only dated members!

A future remedy might be to automatically give all undated samples the EndYear 2500 (or alike) when they are added to any collection, though this requires an update of CDendro.

If we date the new empty collection to 2500 before we add those five .pos-files, we get this result, which looks more clear as the dated and undated .pos-files have been separated on the time-line:

The dated and undated .pos-files are now clearly separated!
The same result could of course been achieved by seeing that all .pos-files which cannot be dated are anyhow given the date "2500" already in CooRecorder before being saved!

Note: The command group Collections/Add to this collection/... was created to ease addition of many .pos-files to a collection before using semi-automatic crossdating, i.e. Add best members to target collection which will make your crossdating very fast and simple when your measurements are correct.

Measuring and crossdating one sample at a time - A working procedure

When you are ready with measuring a .pos-file in CooRecorder, a way to continue is

  1. Save the .pos-file
  2. Click the CDendro icon on the CooRecorder menu line to open that .pos-file in CDendro
  3. Do normal crossdating in CDendro and add your .pos-file to a collection.

What is "normal crossdating in CDendro"?

  1. See that you have a proper reference

  2. Click the button "Make corr. analysis"
  3.   If there is an error which needs to be updated in CooRecorder:   
    • Alt-tab back to CooRecorder
    • Make corrections
    • Save the .pos-file again.
    • Alt-tab to CDendro and click the button Reload data file and again click the button Make corr. analysis.

  4. If there is a crossdating success: Take care of your sample, i.e. add it to a collection:
    • See that you have a target collection for dated samples.
    • If the target collection is empty, then add your dated sample to that target collection and jump down to "Close  your sample.."
      elseIf the target collection already contains members then:
    • click the button "Create Mean value sample" and see that this mean is selected as your reference.
    • Select your current sample window and click the button Make corr. analysis
    • If the crossdating succeeds click the button Add to target collection
    • Close your sample and Alt-tab back to CooRecorder to work with the next sample or update your last sample if there were errors in its .pos-file.

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