Buy or try the CBeeWing and CooRecorder programs

Buy CBeewing and CooRecorder for Windows

Price: CBeeWing + CooRecorder for Windows TOGETHER 65 US$(excl any VAT if applicable)

You can order this program set from FastSpring, which is my only distributor.

You can pay by credit card (e.g. VISA), by Google Pay or by using PAYPAL.

When  you have paid you will receive an email with a download-link to the installation program together with your registration keys.
When paying by card this is normally a very quick and automatic process!

Purchase CBeeWing+CooRecorder from FastSpring

You get the download information directly when you use a credit card to buy from FastSpring! See the section below on "Ordering from FastSpring"

Ordering from FastSpring

Ordering You can purchase the CBeeWing & CooRecorder program package from FastSpring, which is my only distributor.

Payment options You can pay by credit card (e.g. VISA), by using Google Pay or Paypal.

Download information by email! After you have ordered and payed, you will directly receive an email with your receipt and a download-link to the installation program and (if not an upgrade) your license registration key pair.

VAT If you should not pay VAT, see that you have your VAT number available when you order.

Privacy information After your purchase, FastSpring will send us information about your purchase, e.g. your name and email address and which product you have bought. We will keep this information secret and not share it with other parties. We will only contact you by email if we find something problematic with your purchase, e.g. with your license key registration pair, or if we later identify a problem with the programs which might need your immediate attention.

We will use your name and email address to create a license key pair which will be your key to make the programs run. By using the programs, you accept that these programs will store your name and email address in many of the data files that you create with the programs. In case you find this information misleading, e.g. because the program package was purchased by an administrator at your site, you can get a new registration key pair with your own name if you contact us by email. (Address, see below.)

If there is anything unclear, please email me at

TRIAL versions of BeeWing and CooRecorder

Both programs are available as TRIAL versions. Though these are "wing clipped" :-) as CooRecorderTRIAL can only save coordinates for at most  seven wings and CBeeWingTRIAL can only show at most seven wings in the diagrams. But these versions give you a chance to test before you decide to purchase the full versions! Though each program does not cost more than a book...

Downloading the TRIAL-versions of CBeeWing+CooRecorder
Download the TRIAL versions of CBeeWing+CooRecorder (3.8 MB) (Current version 19 April 2005)
Version upgrade: Cubital Index, Ci, can now go as high as 6 which is now also the upper limit for Carnica!

Installation:When you have downloaded the installation program, double-click on its name or icon in Windows Explorer and follow the instructions.

If you compare with results from another program:
Be aware that the measurement points for a wing might not be ordered in the same way for that program as for CooRecorder/CBeeWing!

With best regards/Lars-Åke Larsson
Cybis Elektronik & Data AB, Sweden

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