This collection consists of various PISY samples from various buildings at the island of Öland. They may be either from the island or from the mainland (coast of Småland).
Origin of the samples
Part of the post mill at
. Probably a local tree.Fk04...
Part of the post mill at
. Probably local trees.Gk10mk3
Measured from a photo of an equipment detail inside a post mill. Not well calibrated photo and maybe too wide rings in the inner part. The position of the mill is
. Maybe from Småland.GkP03...
Samples from two corner posts in a destroyed post mill at
. Maybe from Småland.GOTD01
Mörbylånga, Öland (tree probably from mainland), Sweden, PISY Log removed from building at Mörbylånga Hembygdsgård (open air museum) during repairing. 1700-1828, by Torbjörn Axelson.
Reference Corr T-test Overlap SE003 0,52 6,78 128 Högelycke, Nybro (Extraterastrial SE003) PISY SE005 0,43 5,33 128 Gotland (Lunds Universitet, "extraterastrial") PISY swed022 0,40 4,95 128 Gotland (Schweingruber) PISY swed309 0,40 3,52 68 Aneby, Småland (Bredesta/Lysing) PISY
Samples with identity starting with W are found in buildings at Övra Wannborga Småland's east coast).
. Maybe at least some of the timber is taken from the mainland (Correlations towards other chronologies
Towards SE005, Gotland PISY in Project Extraterrestrial
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: Proportion of last two years growth (2,0,T) Correlations between samples and se005 dated to 1987 with corr >= 0,23 and with overlap >= 49 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Corr Test lap all... 0,53 11,76 350 based on 23 members Wma3ab 0,53 5,75 88 1635-1723 BrK032PI 0,51 7,79 171 1593-1764 WA22B 0,51 4,96 73 1773-1846 Wma3aa 0,49 5,22 90 1633-1723 GOTD01b 0,46 4,87 90 1700-1790 Wst1a1 0,45 5,09 104 1823-1927 WA22A 0,43 4,17 77 1772-1849 GOTD01d 0,43 3,24 49 1708-1757 Fk042a 0,42 5,34 139 1595-1734 GkP032a 0,41 5,57 152 1709-1861 Fk041b 0,41 5,99 176 1600-1780 WA23B 0,41 4,01 82 1781-1863 Wma3b 0,40 3,67 71 1633-1704 GkP031a 0,39 5,16 148 1719-1873 Gk10mk3a 0,37 3,55 81 1730-1811 GOTD01a 0,37 4,37 126 1701-1827 GkP032c 0,36 4,81 160 1714-1874 WA21B 0,34 2,92 68 1788-1856 Wst1b2 0,33 3,54 104 1823-1927 Fk041a 0,30 3,63 134 1614-1748 Wst1b1 0,30 3,39 120 1823-1943 GOTD01c 0,29 3,35 121 1707-1828 WA23A 0,23 2,10 80 1781-1861
Högelycke, Småland
Towards SE003, Högelycke (Småland) PISY in Project Extraterrestrial
Cybis CDendro, Algorithm: Proportion of last two years growth (2,0,T) Correlations between available samples and SE003 dated to 1998 with corr >= 0,22 and with overlap >= 16 Results sorted according to decreasing correlation coefficient values. T- Over Corr Test lap all... 0,54 10,08 255 based on 23 members WA22A 0,61 6,64 77 1772-1849 WA22B 0,61 6,43 73 1773-1846 GkP032a 0,57 8,51 152 1709-1861 Gk10mk3a 0,55 5,80 81 1730-1811 GOTD01b 0,53 5,92 90 1700-1790 GkP031a 0,49 6,82 148 1719-1873 GOTD01a 0,48 6,15 126 1701-1827 Wst1a1 0,48 5,55 104 1823-1927 GkP032c 0,44 6,19 160 1714-1874 Wma3aa 0,42 2,67 35 1633-1723 Wma3ab 0,41 2,59 35 1635-1723 Wst1b2 0,40 4,42 104 1823-1927 WA21B 0,39 3,41 68 1788-1856 BrK032PI 0,38 3,50 76 1593-1764 GOTD01d 0,37 2,75 49 1708-1757 GOTD01c 0,35 4,09 121 1707-1828 Fk041a 0,34 2,79 60 1614-1748 WA23B 0,32 3,02 82 1781-1863 Fk041b 0,28 2,68 88 1600-1780 Wst1b1 0,27 3,09 120 1823-1943 WA23A 0,26 2,35 80 1781-1861 Fk042a 0,23 1,58 46 1595-1734 Wma3b 0,22 0,85 16 1633-1704